The Tattoo Prep Guide

Follow this guide to ensure you’re ready for your appointment.

We want to make sure you are as comfortable as possible…

Tattoos do hurt. Prepare for some level of pain. Overall it’s not as bad as you think it is, but it’s still best to be over prepared.

Please eat something before coming in

This is very important. Tattooing lowers your blood sugar and that’s typically what causes people to pass out. Make sure you eat a snack or a full meal before coming in. If you’re on a diet, forget about it for one day and eat whatever you want. The more carbs and sugar the better. This will make sure your body is fully prepared for the experience.

Stay hydrated

Drink plenty of water the day before and the day of. The healthier you feel the better it’ll go.

Do not drink alcohol the night before and do not come in hungover…

Alcohol thins your blood and therefore you will bleed more during the tattoo process. The more you bleed the harder it is for the ink to enter your skin and the harder it will be for your artist to see what they are doing. Coming in hungover will cause a lot of discomfort, it’ll take longer and it will be more expensive/time consuming as a result. You may even require another session if this happens. Depending on your artist, they may not be able to fit you back into their schedule for an extended period of time.

Wear the appropriate clothing…

Your artist will need to reach whatever location the tattoo is in. Please make sure you wear something that will be comfortable for you during the process. Wearing dark clothing or something you don’t care about too much. You may potentially end up with ink stains on your clothing.

Here’s some more tips for various locations:

  • Ribs: When tattooing a ribcage you will be unable to wear a bra during the process, and you likely will not want to wear one afterwards. It is recommend you wear a tank top, there are also pasties available for those getting tattoos in more sensitive places; such as under bust pieces.

  • Legs: Bring a pair of shorts or wear a skirt. If it’s cold outside also bring a pair of stretchy leggings or sweat pants to change into afterwards. Anything tight will be extremely uncomfortable.

  • Arms: Make sure to wear something short sleeved. If your artist is working on your shoulder cap to collarbone area please bring/wear a tank top so there’s no fabric in the way.

  • Back: If your artist is working on your full back the best thing to do is wear a button down shirt turned backwards. This will keep you fully covered from the front and will allow your artist to work freely. If your artist is just working on your upper back/shoulders a tank top is acceptable.

  • Feet: Make sure you bring a pair of shoes that don’t touch the effected area. Feet tend to swell quite a bit and therefore you may be unable to fit you feet back into closed shoes. Bringing sandals or flats is a good option. Foot tattoos are not a good idea during the winter months. Putting swollen feet into snow boots can be very uncomfortable and can potentially cause damage to your healing tattoo.


It is entirely up to you as to what you would like to wear for the appointment, but your artist will always appreciate if you bring/wear something photo worthy. That means no logos or crazy prints/patterns or colors that could distract from the tattoo. Something black or white is preferred. If you wear something photo worthy you’re more likely to end up on your artist’s Instagram page. Sometimes artists don’t post photos due to what the client is wearing, not because they’re not proud of the work they did.

If you like to workout…

You will be unable to workout for 3-4 days after getting your new tattoo. Make sure to work out before your appointment.

Consider bringing some entertainment…

It may be a long session. When sitting for long periods of time it is recommend that you bring headphones, and downloading music or movies/tv shows beforehand. This will keep you distracted and more comfortable throughout the process. This is by no means necessary. You may want to ask your artist what their preference is.


You are allowed up to two guests. They’re allowed to stay and hang out as long they’re being respectful. Anyone who is too rowdy/wild will be asked to leave.

Covid-19 Update…

Guests are currently allowed as long as they are following the mandated guidelines. Everyone must wear a mask on the premises. Those who do not have a mask will be provided one or they will be asked to leave.